Outcomes Tracking

Time to Degree

Average overall and by track (Bioinformatics and Data Science tracks), “current time-to-degree trends”

Completion Rate

% graduating, % leaving with a Masters/ABD, % finishing without a degree

Graduate Career Pathways

Distribution, tracking, industries, locations

BIDS-TP Trainees Awards and Fellowships

Track awards and felowships.


All BIDS-TP trainees have to have GoogleScholar and ORCID profiles with unique identifiers to avoid name collisions

  • Track # papers, # citations, h-index for each trainee. Stratify by first (co)author, author, or senior author

  • Track % of trainees graduating without papers, compute histogram of trainees # papers, # citations, H-indices and post these on the program website

  • Publication expectations: Research work, reporting, and format widely vary with projects, communities, and publication venues. All BIDS-TP scholars are expected to produce new scholarly work, report their results, and communicate their findings with the scientific community.

Soft Metrics

Outreach (e.g., K-12), peer-mentoring, community services, research quality, etc.